Chernobyl is a historical drama television miniseries that was released in 2019. The series was inspired by the Chernobyl Disaster of 1986 and the after story that followed. The show was created by Craig Mazin and was directed by Johan Renck. It was produced by HBO in the United States and by Sky UK in the United Kingdom.
The series highlights yet another shortcoming of the Soviet Union, on how they approved a design for a flawed RBMK Nuclear reactor. It also demonstrates how human error and mechanical error come together to make a disastrous history. The horrors of aftermath the exposure to very high radiation couldn’t be expressed in language but, the series did an amazing job at depicting the inexpressible and unimaginable. The lost families and lost health, everything is terribly and tragically portrayed in the film.
The series begins with a scene of peace with builds up to portray a complete mayhem in the control room of the Soviet nuclear reactor power plant.
The series of events take place on April 1986, at 1:23:45 am at night. The time stamp, ‘1:23:45’ is also the title of the first episode of the series.
Throughout the series, many people demonstrate the heroic role played by those who actually sacrificed their lives unknowingly to fight the explosion. The firefighters, the minors, the people, the scientists, the minister, everyone.
The Chernobyl Disaster .
The horrendous disaster took place at the reactor no. 4 in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, proximal to the city of Pripyat in the Northern Ukrainian. The explosion and fires released around 6% of the radioactive reactor core into the atmosphere, depositing radioactive decay in many other parts of the world. Some 4-lakh people were displaced and evacuated as the result of the disaster.
Many people died, including 30 plant operators along with the 2 that died on the spot. The firefighters, all died due to Acute Radiation Syndrome. ARS was originally diagnosed in 278 other people on the site of the destruction that day. Many got different radiation triggered cancers. The scene truly sends shivers down my spine even to this day and the series has a big hand is creating an extraordinary depiction.