Ryan Murphy takes a dig at the popular Netflix series DAHMER – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story backlash. The series has been receiving a lot of criticism from the Victims’ families. The series is based on Jeffrey Dahmer an American serial killer and sex offender, who brutally murdered 17 men including a teenage boy between 1978 to 1991. It came to the streaming platform on September 21. Finally one of the show’s executive producers Ryan Murphy finally opened up about the backlash the show is receiving.
Ryan Murphy Said Out to Victims’ Families
On October 27 at a panel promoting the show, Murphy defended his show. Dahmer’s victim’s family slams Netflix for not reaching out before depicting them in the series.
Declining their claim Murphy said,“It’s something that we researched for a very long time, and we—over the course of the three, three and a half years when we were really writing it, working on it—we reached out to around 20 of the victims’ families and friends trying to get input, trying to talk to people and not a single person responded to us in that process.”
Furthermore, he said the team has relied “very heavily” on the group of researchers. “a night-and-day effort to us trying to uncover the truth of these people”- he said.
Five days after releasing the series Rita Isbell the 19-year-old Victims Errol Lindsey’s sister claimed that they told her that the series was being made. Moreover, her testimony from Dhamer’s 1992-year trial is going to feature in the series.
Two days later Shirley Hughes mother of victim Tony Hughes said the series featured wrong events. Her son’s murder did happen the way the series features.”I don’t see how they can do that, “I don’t see how they can use our names and put stuff like that out there”- she said in the Guardian on October 10.
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