Schitt’s Creek is an assumingly television sitcom which was created by a father and son due, Eugene and Dan Levy. It aired on CBC Television between the timeline 13 January 2015 to 7 April 2020. Consisting of 80 episodes and six seasons, the show revolves around the lives of the ever so rich Rose Family, who get robbed of all their money by their consulting agent. They are forced to live in a Town bought by Mr. Rose as a gift for his son’s birthday. The sudden change in their lifestyle is super fun and really comic to watch, they’re not rich now so they have to make the most of the resources they are left with.
The Whole Story: An Overview Of Schitt’s Creek
In the first few seasons, the show gives us a clear description of how the rose family settles in, the sacrifices they have to make in order to live peacefully. Mr. Rose’s Son and daughter David and Alexis find jobs, do things they never needed to do when they were rich, as we go further into the series, it talks about love and relationships in the rose family, the daughter Alexis falls in love with the Town’s Veterinarian.
Together they are a happy couple, they have their ups and downs but they always manage to get back on track till the very end. The main line of this show is the relationship of David Rose. David is pansexual, he has a couple of flings with a lot of people until he found the one worth going to the end of the world for. David starts dating Patrick, together they open a small shop in the town which goes by the name Rose Apothecary, their relationship grows stronger and they marry and happily live in the Schitt’s Creek.
The concept of love shown in this series really lifts everyone’s soul up, Love is between two souls not just their bodies. In one line of this show says “When it comes to matters of the heart, we can’t tell our kids who to love.” They display love as love , like love has no bounds, love comes patiently, Love suffers too, but in the end it is love that keeps us going strong.