Zayn Malik is opening up about his bombshell 2021 incident with EX Gigi Hadid with whom he shares a 2-year daughter Khai and mother Yolanda Hadid. The 30-year-old singer finally opens up about his allegations of an altercation in a recent podcast episode of Call Her Daddy.
Zayn Reveals how important his relationship with his daughter is by directly pointing to co-parenting with EX Gigi

The former One Direction member shared a rare comment when asked about co-parenting with model ex in an interview with Alex Cooper’s Call Her Daddy podcast.
Zayn answered the question quoting, “Co-parenting is good. We have a really good relationship with Khai. She’s the, you know, the main importance.”
Zayn also revealed that he has 50/50 Custody with the 28-year-old model and during that time he chose to spend it with his 2-year-old daughter.
The Pillowtalk singer said, “I have her 50 percent of the time, so that time I have with her is so important because I feel like she’s growing up so fast,” he shares. “So when I’m with her, I don’t work at all. I just spend a full day with her doing the things like painting, playdough, this, that. Go to the park, go to the theme park, go to the zoo. We just have fun.”
Zayn also revealed his favorite person to share his music passion is now his daughter Khai.
Zayn said, “She shows a lot of signs of, like, musical intelligence already. I just love, like, playing instruments with her and singing with her. Like, I’ll sing and she sings along and she can do, like, good harmonies and stuff already and she’s only two and a half, and she harmonizes with me and, like, finishes notes. She can hold them a long time.”
Zayn also reflects on his infamous Yolanda Hadid incident in his new interview.
The singer added, “I don’t tend to get involved when people say things online, whether it’s got something to do with me or whether it doesn’t. Because for me, my most valuable thing that I have in life is time, and that takes so much time. In in a toxic environment to, like, explain yourself to people and justify this. And so I just kind of keep to myself.”
He later added, “I knew what the situation was, I knew what happened and the people involved knew what happened, too. And that’s all I really cared about. If anybody, you know, of a sane mind would look at the situation, I believe that you could respect that.”
“I just didn’t want to bring attention to anything, you know?” He said. “I just wasn’t trying to get into a negative back and forth with her. Any sort of narrative online where my daughter was going to look back and read that and be able to read into it and it would just be something that was — there was no point. I believe I dealt with it in in the best way, in like an amicable, respectful way and that’s all that needs to be said. Yeah, just I feel like it’s a lot of negativity.”
The X Factor alum also claimed that he would rather keep his “family issues” out from the spotlight.
He said, “If something happens in the family, like I’d rather keep that between the family, you know, You don’t need a whole audience of people and opinions, because it’s hard enough to manage between two.”
Zayn and Gigi had parted ways as a couple after this alleged incident.
Also Read: Zayn Mallik Reveals the Reasons for parting ways with One Direction