Hailey Bieber is on the path of humanity. The Rodhe Beauty founder showed her support to her husband Justin Bieber’s ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez months after the two squashed rumors of a feud. On June 11, the “Wolves” singer shared an Instagram post where the model showed her support by liking the post. Gomez was wearing a t-shirt by Balenciaga. However, the pic was a throwback it causes her facing a lot of criticism. Moreover, she also shared a message about the “hateful” comment to her Instagram Stories just one day later.
Hailey Bieber asked her fans to be nice or don’t say anything
The 26-year-old said in her June 12 message, “If you’re leaving mean or rude comments on my behalf on anyone’s posts, just know that I don’t want that not do I ever or will ever support or condone hateful, mean, or nasty comments. Doing that is not supporting me.”
Moreover, she noted, “If you are participating in that, you are part of a culture that I want no part of. Please be nice or don’t say anything.”
Previously in last March, like her Gomez also shared a message of her own slamming “hateful negativity.”
The singer also stood up for her ex’s wife by writing in her Instagram story, “This isn’t what I stand for. No one should have to experience hate or bullying. I’ve always advocated for kindness, and really want this all to stop.”
In response, Hailey also showed her gratitude towards her by sharing a message a few hours after. She shared, “I want to thank Selena for speaking out, as her and I have been discussing the last few weeks about how to move past this ongoing narrative between her and me. The last few weeks have been very hard for everyone involved and millions of people are seeing so much hate around this, which is extremely harmful.”
Later on, the two women even started following each other on Instagram.
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