May 2021 is going to end soon. The month is officially the mental health awareness month in USA since 1949. Cherishing the importance of mental health along with physical health is very much required to sustain life. Individuals with degrading mental health status qualify to be ill. They require special care and treatment in order to live a healthy life.
Being nice and kind to other people might have been an option decades ago, but in today’s world it’s a necessity. No one knows what the other person is going through, so stop making it all about yourself and be kind to everyone. Being kind also gives a pleasant a positive feeling from inside, isn’t it?
Ignore the hatred:
Sometimes people suffer in silence, other times they suffer in pain and tears, while at certain time, people suffer by spreading hatred and anger. Those who spread hatred are actually having a mental crisis and they qualify to be called as sick. Try to ignore the words of a mentally sick person and don’t listen to whatever absurd abuse they do to you.
Stop spending a lot of time online:
Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, Twitter, etc., etc., are a few of the most popular social media sites. We are thankful for social media, because it allows people from different corner of the world to connect together. But of all the things, everything has a negative aspect to it. In this case it is the online hatred, self-comparison, digital abuse, showoff and trends.
Whenever you see someone posting pictures about a vacation or travelling, you start comparing yourself and your situation with theirs and boom, you’re overthinking now! If some ‘mentally ill’ people try to post negative comments on your post, you have 2 options. First, ignore their comment and don’t let it slid inside your brain. Second, block them online and don’t let their words slid inside your brain. Ignorance is really a bliss in disguise!